• Who We Are

    "First and foremost in all that we do we seek to Glorify God"

  • Our Vision

    A community where no one is Homeless

    "Life's most persistent and urgent question is "What are you doing for others?" - Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Our Mission

    Our mission is to provide a safe environment, support services, and an avenue to independence for those in a housing crisis.

    Our facilities, the Home of Hope and Hope’s House aren’t only providing a shelter.  We are assisting these men and women get back on their feet.

  • Our Values

    We believe that all people deserve the basic necessities of life, and as part of the community we live in, we serve this purpose:

    (1) To treat all people with dignity
    (2) To offer support and opportunity
    (3) To practice responsible stewardship


    Matt 22:39 "...you shall love your neighbor as yourself."